Space Generation Fusion Forum 
- Hvornår: April
- Hvor: Colorado Springs, USA
- Hvem: Space Generation advisory council
- Længde: 2 dage
Space Symposium
- Hvornår: April
- Hvor: Colorado Springs, USA
- Hvem: Space Foundation
- Længde: 5 dage
European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC)
- Hvornår: Maj
- Hvor: Skiftende Europæisk by
- Hvem: European Space Policy Institute
- Længde: 2 dage
- Hvad: EISC blev grundlagt i 1999 som et permanent forum for inter-parlementarisk samarbejde mellem de Europæiske lande involveret i rumforskning og teknologi.
International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) 
- Hvornår: Juli
- Hvor: Konferencen afholdes normalt i USA, men hvert fjerde år afholdes den et sted i Europa.
- Hvem: ICES Steering Committee
- Længde: 4-5 dage
- Hvad: ICES konferencen beskæftiger sig med hvordan mennesker kan bo og arbejde i ekstreme miljøer, i særdeleshed i forbindelse med missioner i rummet og til andre planeter. Konferencen samler folk fra hele verden, som arbejder med habitater, fartøjer, life-support, rumdragter, miljø beskyttelse og overvågning, EVA systemer etc.
International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
- Hvornår: Oktober
- Hvor: Skiftende over hele verden
- Hvem: International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
- Længde: 4-5 dage
- Hvad: The IAC is the one time of the year when all space actors come together. Global, multidisciplinary and covering all space sectors and topics, it offers everyone the latest space information, developments but above all contacts and potential partnerships.
International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) Conference
- Hvornår: Maj og/eller oktober
- Hvor: Skiftende over hele verden
- Hvem: International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety
- Længde: 2 dage
- Hvad: The International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS, Legally established 16 April 2004 in the Netherlands, is a non-profit organisation dedicated to furthering international cooperation and scientific advancement in the field of space systems safety.
Reinventing Space Conference
- Hvornår: Oktober/november
- Hvor: London, England
- Hvem: British Interplanetary Society
- Længde: 2 dage
- Hvad: British Interplanetary Society (BIS) blev grundlagt i 1933 af Philip E. Cleator og er den ældste organisation i verden hvis mål kun er at understøtte og promovere astronautik og rumforskning.
Humans to Mars Summit
- Hvornår: Maj
- Hvor: Washington, USA
- Hvem: The National Academy of Sciences
- Længde: 3 dage
- Hvad: The Humans To Mars Summit (H2M) embodies the core mission of Explore Mars, Inc., which is to advance humanity to the Martian surface by the 2030s. The 2019 Summit will feature a diverse lineup of topics, technologies, breakout sessions, and audience participation that will address the future challenges and progress of human exploration of Mars. Speakers will include high-ranking NASA officials, industry executives, experts from diverse fields (including science, engineering, and policy), representatives from the entertainment industry, international luminaries, and STEM education professionals.
Space Tech Expo – Europe
- Hvornår: November
- Hvor: Bremen, Tyskland
- Hvem: Space Tech Expo Europe
- Længde: 3 dage
- Hvad: Space Tech Expo Europe is the continent’s major dedicated supply-chain and engineering event for manufacturing, design, test and engineering services for spacecraft, subsystems and space-qualified components. The exhibition and conference draw attendance from thousands of industry leaders, decision makers, engineers, specifiers and buyers to meet manufacturers across the supply chain for commercial, government and military space.
Space Tech Expo – USA
- Hvornår: Maj
- Hvor: Long Beach California, USA
- Hvem: Space Tech Expo USA
- Længde: 3 dage
- Hvad: Space Tech Expo, the West Coast’s premier space event consists of two days of knowledge sharing and networking alongside the largest the largest supply chain exhibition of its kind. The free-to-attend exhibition will showcase the very latest technology from technical designers, sub-systems suppliers, manufacturers and components through to systems integrators for civil, military and commercial space.
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